~ by Ruth McGregor
The word Chakra com
es from the Sanskrit word meaning ‘wheel’ or ‘disc’. According to Hindu tradition, there are seven of these Chakras in the human body, each a different colour and relating to a different area of the body.
A Chakra is a spinning vortex of energy, which, like a bicycle or car wheel, needs to be in balance in order to work effectively. Imagine driving your car with one wheel that is not balanced, the vibration would permeate every bone of your body, making the drive incredibly uncomfortable!
The same principle applies to your Chakras – they are all of equal importance, and if just one of the seven is not working effectively, there is a knock-on effect throughout the body causing at the least discomfort and at the worst, disease.
Each of the Chakras relate to a different aspect of ourselves. The Base Chakra is associated with the Earth Plane, therefore it is very dense and spins slowly. When we move our consciousness higher, it becomes less dense and so the speed of the associated chakra quickens. If there is an imbalance, a Chakra can over or under activate, which then causes a change in speed. Extremes in behaviour can indicate imbalances in the Chakras.
There are no “good” or “bad” Chakras, nor are there higher or lower Chakras in terms of spirituality. All are needed for earthly experience and spiritual development. There are only higher and lower frequencies like musical notes – each equal, each beautiful, each necessary.
Together, the Chakras form an amazing network, each operating in its own way and area, but all working together to provide a wonderful flow of energy throughout the body, connecting us to both the Earth and the Universe.
On the following pages are brief descriptions of each chakra, it's function, and certain difficulties that can arise through imbalance.
The Base (Sanskrit: मूलाधार - Muladhara) Chakra:
As the name s
uggests, the Base Chakra is situated around the base of the spine in the genital area and its’ energy extends downward, like roots, through the legs and feet to contact the solid earth below.
It is the slowest moving Chakra, relating to our survival needs, and is therefore the foundation of the Chakra system in the body. The colour associated is red, and thus represents the Martian energy needed to keep us alive.
If these survival needs are met, the Base Chakra will function healthily, but if there is a perceived threat to this, (such as a difficult house move, job change, health problems, etc.) it can create an imbalance.
These imbalances can show themselves in various ways, from sleeplessness and the inability to relax, to obsession with money, possessions or health.
Eating is a basic Base Chakra activity, and so eating disorders often indicate imbalance, as do obesity, haemorrhoids and constipation.
To maintain balance, we need to be both stable and flexible, and very much in contact with our true survival needs, without becoming too obsessed by them.
Sacral (Sanskrit: स्वाधिष्ठान, vādhiṣṭhāna) Chakra:
Situated ju
st below the navel, the Sacral Chakra corresponds with bodily functions having to do with liquid: circulation, urinary elimination, sexuality and reproduction.
If we have our base survival needs met in the Base Chakra, we are more able to look at other aspects of life, and this creates desire, which gets us to move, to reach out, to grow and to change.
The colour of the Sacral Chakra is orange. It is ruled by the Moon, and is the centre of sexuality, emotions, nurturance, pleasure and creativity. It is slow in movement, but not as slow as the Base Charkra.
Malfunctions of the Sacral Chakra can be indicated by being overly ruled by our emotions with frequent and dramatic emotional episodes or on the other hand being flat, lifeless, dull and dry - two extremes which could be seen as polarities.
As with all polarities, when they balance each other, the relationship is healthy, and the person prospers but, when there are extremes of one or the other, problems can occur.
Imbalances of this Chakra can show in the physical body with uterine or bladder trouble or in some cases, impotence or frigidity.
Taking the centre line through the extremes of any situation is the best option, and by using our natural creativity we can help ourselves maintain emotional balance.
Solar Plexus (Sanskrit: मणिपूर, Maṇipūra) Chakra:
The Solar
Plexus Chakra, situated just below the sternum, is where we find the energy to turn the desire from the Sacral Chakra into action. It is our Will. So, the desire could be seen as the fuel for the will, and the Fire in the Solar Plexus is the spark of life that ignites our Mental Will to Action.
This Chakra is known by the colour yellow, and is governed by Mercury. It spins faster than the lower chakras, but not as fast as those above it.
It represents our “get up and go”, our action, will, vitality and sense of personal power. Also, we now temper our desires (Sacral) and instincts (Base) with knowledge, making decisions that are put into action and combine the polarities of the mind and body.
This combination makes a greater whole and helps the personal power.How often have you heard people say “My get up and go has got up and gone.”? This is symptomatic of a malfunction of the Solar Plexus, as is being withdrawn, fear of taking risks, over seriousness and lack of energy.
At the other end of the scale is ‘bully’ behaviour, the need to be in control or to dominate, and self- centredness.
On the physical side, ulcers, diabetes and hypoglycaemia are indicative of dysfunction of the Solar Plexus Chakra.
Heart (Sanskrit: अनाहत, Anāhata) Chakra:
The Hea
rt Chakra is the balancing point of the Chakra system. The three Chakras relating to the physical world are below it, and above are three Chakras relating to the internal representation of the physical world. It is governed by the sun, and is known by the colour green. Again, this chakra spins faster than those below it, but not as fast as those above.
Here, we experience love – pure, unconditional love that is all encompassing and so totally different from the passion-directed love of the Sacral Chakra. This is balance, softness, compassion, an expansion of the heart and is felt as a state of being, independent of any other person. It just is.
As the name suggests, physically this Chakra relates to the heart, and also the lungs and thymus. Therefore, related illnesses could be respiratory problems such as asthma, heart problems and high blood pressure. A malfunction can also slow down the metabolic rate.
On an emotional level, however, we can feel split between mind and body or become withdrawn into ourselves. There can also be a tendency to give all our time and energy to others, thereby losing sight of our own needs and balance.
The main message of the Heart Chakra is that of balance and interconnection between self-love and love for others.
Throat (Sanskrit: विशुद्ध, Viśuddha) Chakra:
Located in t
he Throat, this Chakra is ruled by Venus, spins much faster than the lower 4 chakras, and is represented as blue in colour.
This energy centre is all about communication, which is essential for genuine interaction with others. Communication is not only about talking, it is a two way street that incorporates listening as well.
This is shown by the areas covered by the Throat Chakra – the throat, mouth, ears, arms and hands. We can often see people moving their hands and arms when they’re talking – how would they manage without them!
Another example is sign language – hard of hearing people, who may not have the ability to speak with their mouths, use their hands and arms instead.
This is where we can express the creativity that started in the Sacral Chakra and relate it to others; this is where we can communicate our will and love to others but also to hear others’ words and emotions, which is equally important.
As a race, us human beings too often have a fear of communicating our true inner thoughts and feelings, or have difficulty in expressing ourselves which is often seen as excessive shyness. These, plus talking too much and not listening are disorders of the Throat Chakra. Physically, thyroid, throat and mouth disorders can also be experienced, as can constant colds and flu.
Communication is an art (creativity), and when the art is learnt can be a joyous experience, which is why singing and chanting are two very good ways of stimulating the Throat Chakra into positive activity.
Third Eye (Sanskrit: आज्ञा, Āgñā) Chakra:
The Third Ey
e Chakra, located just above the centre point between the eyebrows. It spins extremely fast, and is associated with the colour Indigo. It is the centre of visual, psychic and intuitive perception, and its’ attributes are clairvoyance, memory, dreams and vision. So we are now in the realms of the intangible.
A dream is not something we can actually touch, but by holding on to it, and by building it into a strong picture in our mind, we are taking the first step towards making that dream a reality. This visualisation process, when combined with the creativity of the Sacral Chakra, the Will of the Solar Plexus and the balance and love of the Heart Chakra, and then expressed at the Throat Chakra, can be an excellent exercise for the Third Eye Chakra.
As this Chakra rules the eyes and pineal gland, when it is not in balance, we can experience eye problems, headaches and nightmares, or in extreme cases, hallucinations or blindness.
To clear this Chakra, we need to maintain the innocence of a child by getting away from the cynical approach of seeing what we expect to see, and start to see and experience everything as if it were for the first time.
Crown (Sanskrit: सहस्रार, Sahasrāra) Chakra:
Situated over t
he top of the head, the Crown Chakra spins at tremendous speed, and is often referred to as the Thousand Petalled Lotus. It is represented by the colour purple, and it is through this Chakra that we connect with the Universe and universal energies.
With this connection intact, we can receive information and ideas, which in turn can be run through the lower Chakras (as explained in the Third Eye Chakra) and then brought into manifestation.
Ruling the Pituitary Gland, the Central Nervous System and the cerebral cortex, as with all the Chakras, balance is important, as imbalance can lead to feelings of Depression, alienation and confusion.
This Chakra is also a great protection system, as it only allows us to receive information that we are physically and emotionally capable of dealing with.
As we develop and progress in our spirituality, more and more information filters through, giving us a greater awareness, but rarely are we able to see the full universal picture - After all, we are only mere mortals!
The word Chakra com

A Chakra is a spinning vortex of energy, which, like a bicycle or car wheel, needs to be in balance in order to work effectively. Imagine driving your car with one wheel that is not balanced, the vibration would permeate every bone of your body, making the drive incredibly uncomfortable!
The same principle applies to your Chakras – they are all of equal importance, and if just one of the seven is not working effectively, there is a knock-on effect throughout the body causing at the least discomfort and at the worst, disease.
Each of the Chakras relate to a different aspect of ourselves. The Base Chakra is associated with the Earth Plane, therefore it is very dense and spins slowly. When we move our consciousness higher, it becomes less dense and so the speed of the associated chakra quickens. If there is an imbalance, a Chakra can over or under activate, which then causes a change in speed. Extremes in behaviour can indicate imbalances in the Chakras.
There are no “good” or “bad” Chakras, nor are there higher or lower Chakras in terms of spirituality. All are needed for earthly experience and spiritual development. There are only higher and lower frequencies like musical notes – each equal, each beautiful, each necessary.
Together, the Chakras form an amazing network, each operating in its own way and area, but all working together to provide a wonderful flow of energy throughout the body, connecting us to both the Earth and the Universe.
On the following pages are brief descriptions of each chakra, it's function, and certain difficulties that can arise through imbalance.
The Base (Sanskrit: मूलाधार - Muladhara) Chakra:
As the name s

It is the slowest moving Chakra, relating to our survival needs, and is therefore the foundation of the Chakra system in the body. The colour associated is red, and thus represents the Martian energy needed to keep us alive.
If these survival needs are met, the Base Chakra will function healthily, but if there is a perceived threat to this, (such as a difficult house move, job change, health problems, etc.) it can create an imbalance.
These imbalances can show themselves in various ways, from sleeplessness and the inability to relax, to obsession with money, possessions or health.
Eating is a basic Base Chakra activity, and so eating disorders often indicate imbalance, as do obesity, haemorrhoids and constipation.
To maintain balance, we need to be both stable and flexible, and very much in contact with our true survival needs, without becoming too obsessed by them.
Sacral (Sanskrit: स्वाधिष्ठान, vādhiṣṭhāna) Chakra:
Situated ju

If we have our base survival needs met in the Base Chakra, we are more able to look at other aspects of life, and this creates desire, which gets us to move, to reach out, to grow and to change.
The colour of the Sacral Chakra is orange. It is ruled by the Moon, and is the centre of sexuality, emotions, nurturance, pleasure and creativity. It is slow in movement, but not as slow as the Base Charkra.
Malfunctions of the Sacral Chakra can be indicated by being overly ruled by our emotions with frequent and dramatic emotional episodes or on the other hand being flat, lifeless, dull and dry - two extremes which could be seen as polarities.
As with all polarities, when they balance each other, the relationship is healthy, and the person prospers but, when there are extremes of one or the other, problems can occur.
Imbalances of this Chakra can show in the physical body with uterine or bladder trouble or in some cases, impotence or frigidity.
Taking the centre line through the extremes of any situation is the best option, and by using our natural creativity we can help ourselves maintain emotional balance.
Solar Plexus (Sanskrit: मणिपूर, Maṇipūra) Chakra:
The Solar

This Chakra is known by the colour yellow, and is governed by Mercury. It spins faster than the lower chakras, but not as fast as those above it.
It represents our “get up and go”, our action, will, vitality and sense of personal power. Also, we now temper our desires (Sacral) and instincts (Base) with knowledge, making decisions that are put into action and combine the polarities of the mind and body.
This combination makes a greater whole and helps the personal power.How often have you heard people say “My get up and go has got up and gone.”? This is symptomatic of a malfunction of the Solar Plexus, as is being withdrawn, fear of taking risks, over seriousness and lack of energy.
At the other end of the scale is ‘bully’ behaviour, the need to be in control or to dominate, and self- centredness.
On the physical side, ulcers, diabetes and hypoglycaemia are indicative of dysfunction of the Solar Plexus Chakra.
Heart (Sanskrit: अनाहत, Anāhata) Chakra:
The Hea

Here, we experience love – pure, unconditional love that is all encompassing and so totally different from the passion-directed love of the Sacral Chakra. This is balance, softness, compassion, an expansion of the heart and is felt as a state of being, independent of any other person. It just is.
As the name suggests, physically this Chakra relates to the heart, and also the lungs and thymus. Therefore, related illnesses could be respiratory problems such as asthma, heart problems and high blood pressure. A malfunction can also slow down the metabolic rate.
On an emotional level, however, we can feel split between mind and body or become withdrawn into ourselves. There can also be a tendency to give all our time and energy to others, thereby losing sight of our own needs and balance.
The main message of the Heart Chakra is that of balance and interconnection between self-love and love for others.
Throat (Sanskrit: विशुद्ध, Viśuddha) Chakra:
Located in t

This energy centre is all about communication, which is essential for genuine interaction with others. Communication is not only about talking, it is a two way street that incorporates listening as well.
This is shown by the areas covered by the Throat Chakra – the throat, mouth, ears, arms and hands. We can often see people moving their hands and arms when they’re talking – how would they manage without them!
Another example is sign language – hard of hearing people, who may not have the ability to speak with their mouths, use their hands and arms instead.
This is where we can express the creativity that started in the Sacral Chakra and relate it to others; this is where we can communicate our will and love to others but also to hear others’ words and emotions, which is equally important.
As a race, us human beings too often have a fear of communicating our true inner thoughts and feelings, or have difficulty in expressing ourselves which is often seen as excessive shyness. These, plus talking too much and not listening are disorders of the Throat Chakra. Physically, thyroid, throat and mouth disorders can also be experienced, as can constant colds and flu.
Communication is an art (creativity), and when the art is learnt can be a joyous experience, which is why singing and chanting are two very good ways of stimulating the Throat Chakra into positive activity.
Third Eye (Sanskrit: आज्ञा, Āgñā) Chakra:
The Third Ey

A dream is not something we can actually touch, but by holding on to it, and by building it into a strong picture in our mind, we are taking the first step towards making that dream a reality. This visualisation process, when combined with the creativity of the Sacral Chakra, the Will of the Solar Plexus and the balance and love of the Heart Chakra, and then expressed at the Throat Chakra, can be an excellent exercise for the Third Eye Chakra.
As this Chakra rules the eyes and pineal gland, when it is not in balance, we can experience eye problems, headaches and nightmares, or in extreme cases, hallucinations or blindness.
To clear this Chakra, we need to maintain the innocence of a child by getting away from the cynical approach of seeing what we expect to see, and start to see and experience everything as if it were for the first time.
Crown (Sanskrit: सहस्रार, Sahasrāra) Chakra:
Situated over t

With this connection intact, we can receive information and ideas, which in turn can be run through the lower Chakras (as explained in the Third Eye Chakra) and then brought into manifestation.
Ruling the Pituitary Gland, the Central Nervous System and the cerebral cortex, as with all the Chakras, balance is important, as imbalance can lead to feelings of Depression, alienation and confusion.
This Chakra is also a great protection system, as it only allows us to receive information that we are physically and emotionally capable of dealing with.
As we develop and progress in our spirituality, more and more information filters through, giving us a greater awareness, but rarely are we able to see the full universal picture - After all, we are only mere mortals!